
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition

Cluster Deployment

Given the upcoming changes, we will continue to update this page regularly.


This page is for communication of details around the deployment of Cardinal and next generation Ascend. Included will be links to press releases, relevant documentation, early user periods and the latest information on timelines for the deployment of the new clusters and the retirement of old hardware.

A reminder that OSC will be changing our support mechanisms during this rollout; please visit the support portal page to learn more about the current state of that project.


The timeline for changes to OSC's clusters began in fall 2024 and is expected to continue through early spring 2025. Please see details below. OSC will contact clients directly through email and the monthly client newsletter throughout the time period with action items and updates to deadlines. 


OSC's newest supercomputer, Cardinal, became available for all client use on Nov. 4, 2024.

Relevant Links:


In cooperation with The Ohio State University College of Medicine and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, OSC will be adding additional capacity to Ascend, resulting in a 6x expansion of compute capacity for all OSC clients. 

Users from the Ohio State College of Medicine will have priority access to this hardware, but these resources - and the existing limited-access Ascend nodes - will be open and available to the broader client community. The estimated date for launch is late March 2025.  

OSC anticipates offering an early user testing period for the next-generation Ascend system in early February 2025. Details are forthcoming. 

Relevant Links:


OSC will be retiring the Owens cluster over the next few months. New Ascend nodes will be leveraging the data center space (and some hardware) currently utilized by Owens. 

To assist clients with transitioning their workflows, Owens will be decommissioned in two phases. On Jan. 6, 2025, OSC will move two-thirds of the regular compute nodes and one-half of the GPU nodes (a total of about 60% of the cluster cores) offline. The remainder of the nodes will power down on Feb. 3, 2025.  

Relevant Links:


Owens cluster clients who are using Jupyter/RStudio classroom apps should prepare courses on Pitzer moving forward. 

Relevant Links: