Invite, add, remove users

Manage users on a project

The PI of a project can manage the users on their projects. Note, that PIs are not automatically added as authorized users under their project(s).

Managing users on the project includes inviting, adding and removing users to the project as well as increasing a user's privileges on a project so that they can assist with the management of it.

To manage a project, navigate to Project -> List Projects and select the blue button on the left of the appropriate project.

Adding users

Users can be added to the project by visiting the project details page and selecting the Project Users button. If the user already has an OSC account, then go to Current Project Members -> Add Project User and search them by display name or username. If the user does not have an OSC account, then they can be sent an invitation to sign up for an account and be immediately added to the project by going to Member Invitations -> Invite New User. An email will be sent from "" - all folders should be checked, including spam/junk. If they did not receive this email, please contact OSC Help.

Approving users

A user may request access to a project, which then needs approved by the PI or a project admin. Navigate to the project details page and select the Project Users button. Expand Current Project Members. Click the blue button next to a username that shows PI approved as no. Set to yes and save. The user should now be approved as a member of the project.

Setup project access number

A user can automatically add themselves to a project if they have the project code and a valid project access number.

The PI or project admin can create a project access number from the project details page using the project access number section and clicking the 'add/replace' button.

The project access number default to be valid only for 14 days. It can be set for less, but 14 is the maximum.

Users may either enter this project access number at sign up or if they already have an account, login and navigate to Project -> Project Access Request. If signing up for an account, an email will be sent from "" - all folders should be checked, including spam/junk. If they did not receive this email, please contact OSC Help.

Invite users

From your project details, navigate to Current Project Members -> Member Invitations -> Invite New User. Fill in the information and send invite. After complete, the current invitations and project members can be viewed in Member Invitations and Current Project Members respectively.

OSC only allows a single account per person, so users should contact PIs with the email to user or their username to be manually added to the project.

An email will be sent from "" - all folders should be checked, including spam/junk. If they did not receive this email, please contact OSC Help.

The invitation links are valid for 48 hours. If a link has expired, you will have to complete the form again. If the code has yet to expire, it will show in the show in the table and you can resend.

A complete sign up with result in username appearing in your Current Project Members table. 

Removing users

Users can be removed by visiting the project details page and clicking Project Users -> Current Project Members and clicking the blue button left of the username in the list. Select Remove. Many users can be removed more easily by activating the red Enable Quick Removal/Approval button while in the Current Project Members section. There will then be a new column with a symbol. Click the  icon to delete the user instantly.

Invitations can also be deleted by navigating to Member Invitations and selecting the icon on the left of the invite.

Manage user roles

Users can be assigned an admin role on a project by the PI and other project admins. A user can be assigned this role by navigating to the project details page and clicking Project Users -> Administrative Roles -> Add User Role. The only two roles that should be used are Project, Admin Access and Project, No Admin Notifications. Both roles allow a normal user to manage the project as if they were the PI. This allows them to renew the project and manage all users on it.

The PI should designate a Project admin carefully, as they essentially act on the PIs' behalf when managing the project and have FULL privileges.

