
Larry Faulkner Elected Chair of Internet2 Board of Trustees

Larry Faulkner, president of the University of Texas at Austin, was recently elected Chair of the Internet2 Board of Trustees. Faulkner succeeds University of North Carolina President Molly Broad, who held the Board Chair position since 2001. Broad served on the Internet2 Board since September 1997 and Faulkner has served since 1998, and began serving as Chair May 1.

Walsh University Receives Technology Grant

Walsh University received a $120,000 grant from the networking division of Ohio Supercomputer Center on behalf of the Ohio Board of Regents for advancing the University’s technology. The funds will enable Walsh to secure an ultra-high-speed data network connection, enabling collaboration with other similarly-connected institutions on cutting edge research projects and participation in video-conferencing.

Federal Spending Bill Funds Third Frontier Network Initiatives

The fiscal year 2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act, approved earlier by Congress and signed into law last week by President Bush, directs $5.1 million in federal funds to the Ohio Board of Regents to make Ohio the world’s leader in using state-of-the-art computer networking to improve education, research and medical care.

The federal funds support new initiatives that will take advantage of Ohio’s 1,600-mile Third Frontier Network, the most advanced state-wide computer network in the nation.

OSC Networking Announces Additional Connectivity Via MCI Telecommunications

In mid-February, OSC Networking and MCI Telecommunications completed the installation and testing of OSC Networking's expanded gateway service to the Internet. The new service establishes connections between OSC Networking and internetMCI Direct Connect Access. As a result of this new service, OSC Networking, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, now maintains a total of 10.5Mbps total gateway throughput to the Internet through three different diverse paths.

Demand for TFN Service Forces Early Ring-0 Upgrade

Engineers from the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) completed an early upgrade to the primary core ring on the Third Frontier Network (TFN) last week in order to handle increasing demand for networking services. Known as Ring-0, it is the most important ring on the nation's most advanced statewide fiber optic network for education and research. TFN connects Ohio's universities, colleges, K-12 schools, research centers, federal labs, hospitals and a variety of public and private agencies to promote education, research and economic development.

OSC Supercomputers, Third Frontier Network Power Megaconference Jr


More than 200 school districts and thousands of students participated May 19 th in Megaconference Jr, a project designed to give students in elementary and secondary schools across the country and around the world the opportunity to communicate, collaborate and contribute to each other's learning experiences in real time, using advanced multi-point Internet videoconferencing technology. Megaconference Jr was held Thursday May 19, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Third Frontier Network Propels Genome Research Through Virtual Medical Collaborations

The Third Frontier Network (TFN) will make Ohio a world leader in using technologically advanced networking to improve health care research and education, as demonstrated today at the University of Cincinnati (UC) Genome Research Institute (GRI). TFN will support medical research collaborators as they identify and treat diseases.

TFN-connected Ohio hospitals and medical research labs will be able to share medical images and collaborate on research, education, and service programs.
