BALE Theatre, Ohio Supercomputer Center
1224 Kinnear Rd.
Columbus OH 43212
Information on getting to OSC can be found here:
This workshop will provide an introduction to using containers for research computing at OSC, including Singularity and Docker.
Topics will include:
- Overview of Containers
- How to build your own software environments
- Reproducible data and publication
To participate in the hands-on exercises, participants are required to bring their own laptops.
Who Should Attend
Current or prospective OSC users who are involved in the development of software for scientific computing.
Some familiarity with OSC HPC resources will be helpful but not required
Method of Delivery
Presentation and Hands-on exercises. The exercises and slides can be accessed here:
Registration closed
Webex Information
Meeting number (access code): 647 327 034
Additional Information
Contact sends e-mail) with questions.