
SIMCenter Project Codes

Please contact OSC Help if additional users need added to a project; Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI approval is necessary. If you need assistance with other administrative tasks related to the projects or user accounts, please contact OSC Help

Project Code PI
Title Use

Shawn Midlam-Mohler
Amber Pasternak
Heather Sever


SUG allocated academic research
This is for academic use only; 
can use OSC software licenses.

PAS1194 Shawn Midlam-Mohler Academic Cost-Recovered

can use OSC software licenses

PYS0304 Shawn Midlam-Mohler Honda SIMCenter

uses commercial software licenses.


What Project Code Should I Use?

SIMCenter Graphic

Using OSC Resources

For more information about how to use OSC resources, please see our guide on batch processing at OSC. For specific information about modules and file storage, please see the Batch Execution Environment page.

Getting Support

Assistance can be found by contacting OSC Help weekdays, 9AM to 5PM (1-800-686-6472 or 614-292-1800).
Fill out a request online.