OSC, University of Toledo, and EISC to Sponsor Forum on Applications of High Performance Computing to Manfacturing Processing Flows and Product Design.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (Sep 22, 1999) — 

OSC, in cooperation with the University of Toledo and the Edison Industrial Systems Center will host a meeting in Toledo on September 30, from 9:30 to 2:30 on the applications of computing technology to product design and manufacturing process flows. A followup meeting will be held on October 21 at the same location to discuss possible research agendas that will be produced using information from the first meeting.

Gopalan Mukundan, Advanced Technologist at Daimler-Chrysler Product Design, will review how Daimler-Chrysler has used virtual reality and other advanced technologies to improve product design and process flows in their industry. This will be followed by discussions of other industry applications and the requirements of firms for assistance in adapting such applications to their needs.

More information about the Ohio Project meetings for industry.
