System Status

Follow @HPCNotices on X for real-time updates about the status of OSC's clusters and storage.

For information about the status of licenses for the software packages installed at OSC, visit the License Server Status Updates page.

View unresolved known issues and current system-related status messages below.

If you have encountered a problem not already listed below, please contact our client support team.

Scheduled OSC System Downtimes

OSC strives to minimize the number of system downtimes and provide clients with significant advance notice but reserves the right to change the date(s) of these downtimes and/or add additional downtimes to improve the performance of our services.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Active System Messages

Login Node Stability Issues on Ascend

Ascend login nodes are experiencing some stability issues where processes are hanging and the only working fix at the moment is to reboot. We are investigating, but nodes may need to be rebooted periodically with little advance notice.

OSC Classroom Support

CLASSROOM RESOURCES FOR DISTANCE LEARNING If your class has lost or limited access to computer labs, the Ohio Supercomputer Center might be able to help by providing no-cost access to cloud computing resources. Classes and workloads of any size can gain access. OSC's web-browser interface to its substantial Linux computer systems provides novice users with virtual desktops preloaded with applications, such as MATLAB, RStudio, or Jupyter Notebook. As an example, an OSU undergrad statistics class recently used iPads to remotely access RStudio on OSC systems.