Questions about IBI and QHEI

  1. Describe what you think the relationship is between QHEI and IBI in these terms - As QHEI goes up IBI goes ??.  As QHEI goes down IBI goes ??.  
  2. Notice there is missing data for QHEI.  Are there also places or times where the relationship you described in #1 does not work?  Note the Place/Time number(s) where there are exceptions to this simple relationship.
  3. The reason that the QHEI and IBI have this pattern is because (choose the best answer and click on the letter)

    - Better QHEI scores means there is better quality habitat for support fish including a meandering stream with a gravel bottom, well-shaded from the sun.

    A is correct! - QHEI represents a score for how good the overall habitat is.

    - Better QHEI scores means that there will be more algae, giving the fish more to eat.

    B is incorrect - A high QHEI means better habitat.  Algal growth is encouraged by a lot of nutrient chemicals.

    - As IBI values go down, there is a better riparian zone.

    C is incorrect - This is backwards - a better riparian zone should have better fish population.

    - The riparian zone is always wider in places with a higher QHEI.

    D is incorrect - Although riparian zone width is part of the QHEI, it is an overall measure of the health of the zone.