For the first time, an online "Intermediate MPI" course is being released for public use. OSC and the Partners for Advanced Computational Services (PACS) created the course to be offered on the National Computational Science Alliance (NCSA) server after a series of successful introductory MPI courses.
Click here to go to the course website.
The course was developed by instructors who have previously taught Message Passing Interface. At each course they taught, instructors collected students' questions about higher-level MPI features not covered in the beginner course. The answers to those questions were transformed into chapters for the Intermediate MPI course. "These instructors are highly qualified and have used their expertise in creating an effective, well-organized method for learning the course topics," said Leslie Southern, OSC Senior Supercomputer Resource Specialist.By using the program, users are able to access chapters that cover stand-alone MPI topics, so they can be read in any order. Program problems and self-tests are available at the end of each chapter. Users are able to study the material as many times as they want. The specific MPI capabilities covered are:
- Message Probing vs. Message Receiving
- Using MPI Intercommunicators (as opposed to Intracommunicators)
- Defining your own operators for Reduction Operations
- High-level Derived Datatypes
- Parallel I/O
- Graph Virtual Topology
- Fortran 90 and MPI-1C++ and MPI-1
- Collective Communications Performance Testing
The Introduction to MPI and Intermediate MPI courses were developed by NCSA PACS partners OSC, Boston University, Kentucky University, NCSA, and University of New Mexico.