Computational Study of Ligand-Protein-Nanafiber Interactions for the Development of Biosensors
16-node cluster
Name: Dr. Jianping Zhu
Department: Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
Position: Professor and Chair
Institution: University of Akron
Press Releases
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Imagine being a node operator for an Access Grid (AG) event when the network audio becomes distorted. What should you do? Could it be a multicasting issue?
Node operators can now detect networking problems on the Access Grid using the latest in a series of online tutorials.
Boston University, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), and OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center) are pleased to introduce "Access Grid Network Troubleshooting: A Guide for Technical Users," available on the NCSA WebCT server at
To promote parallel computing among Ohio faculty, OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center) is soliciting a second round of faculty research proposals. OSC will distribute Itanium (64-bit) systems to winning participants.
"OSC wants to create an environment for faculty members who are willing to port or develop software for parallel systems. To do this, OSC will provide a number of cluster systems to awardees," said Leslie Southern, Interim HPC Director. "We are looking for faculty proposals on software development for clusters of Itanium-based computer systems."
OSC's (Ohio Supercomputer Center) nationally recognized workshops return this winter, offering several new courses for both beginner and advanced computer users.
OSC regularly provides workshops about new computing techniques and hardware and software resources at no cost to users. Remote workshops are also held through OSC's Access Grid node, an advanced audio-visual communications tool that transmits over Internet2.
For the first time, an online "Intermediate MPI" course is being released for public use. OSC and the Partners for Advanced Computational Services (PACS) created the course to be offered on the National Computational Science Alliance (NCSA) server after a series of successful introductory MPI courses.
Click here to go to the course website.
For the past 14 years, OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center) has made a place for itself in the world of high performance networking and computing. This year will be no exception when OSC showcases recent projects at Supercomputing 2002 (SC2002), an annual weeklong national supercomputing conference. SC2002 will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center on November 16-22.
OSC's nationally-renowned workshops offer a great variety of courses for both beginner and advanced computer users this autumn.
At no cost, OSC regularly provides workshops about new computing techniques and hardware and software resources. Remote workshops are also held through OSC's Access Grid node, an advanced audio-visual communications tool that transmits over Internet2.
Date: Monday, 10/21/02
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Place: OSC, 1224 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, OH, 43212
On October 7, three new Regents will be sworn in at the Ohio Board of Regents' monthly meeting at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus. The Ohio Board of Regents is an 11-member public board created in 1963 by the General Assembly to provide higher education policy advice to the Governor and General Assembly.
The OBOR also helps develop strategy involving Ohio's public and independent colleges and universities, advocates for and manages state funds, and coordinates and implements state higher education policies. OSC is a technology initiative of the Ohio Board of Regents.
Just in time for the new academic year at The Ohio State University (OSU), Community Connection is now available.
Community Connection is an Internet-based service that will connect and match OSU faculty and students with neighborhood schools and community service organizations. This web tool makes the most of today's technology to answer the national call to increase community service. Free-Net, an outreach project of OSU and OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center), developed the database and web interfaces that run this new service.