Troy Baer, OSC Systems Developer and Engineer, recently published the article, "Integrating a Linux Cluster into a Production High-Performance Computing Environment," in the July 2001 edition of the Linux Journal. Baer takes you on a journey that brings the "brain" home from SGI, and provides insight into installing and using the cluster.
Starting in August 1999 when OSC and SGI first discussed the purchase of 33 SGI 1400L systems, Baer describes the cluster's development and functions, including user experiences and script and code details. The article ends with a thoughtful peep into future trends in cluster computing.
The Linux Journal is a renowned resource published for the Linux community by Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc., a leader in UNIX and Linux markets.
Baer has a master's degree from the Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Department at The Ohio State University. He has worked with Linux clusters since his stint at the NASA Lewis Research Center in 1993.