Research Landscape

Research Landscape icon

Ohio’s strengths in basic and applied research are broad and deep, spanning a multitude of fields, such as economics, sociology, computer science, automotive design and signal processing. This spectrum of Ohio Supercomputer Center clients encompasses many fields of study.

COVID-19 Drug Research

COVID-19 Drug Research

Tennessee Tech Assistant Professor Liqun Zhang researches human beta defensins, small proteins involved in immune response to infection. As COVID-19 became the most important health research topic in the world, Zhang turned to the Ohio Supercomputer Center to help meet the increasing challenge.

Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers

Sultana Nahar, a research professor in astronomy at The Ohio State University, discovererd the lack of support for female scientists around the world after a trip to Egypt. Nahar founded the International Society of Muslim Women in Science (ISMWS) to support these scientists, and the Ohio Supercomputer Center has provided these women access to HPC resources.

Computing Abroad

Computing Abroad

Andrew Paluch, associate professor of chemical, paper, and biomedical engineering at Miami University, has an established relationship with a university in Brazil. The Ohio Supercomputer Center helped Paluch as he conducted a workshop in Brazil using Open OnDemand.

Enhancing Analysis

Enhancing Analysis

The Ohio State University Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center (MCIC) is directed by Tea Meulia and serves as a shared technology laboratory to facilitate research in microscopy, genomics and bioinformatics. Meulia connected with the Ohio Supercomputer Center as she realized the volumes of data they generated and processed required additional computational power.

Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics

D2H Advanced Technologies specializes in computational fluid dynamics, which is used to model how fluids behave when they are moving through and around objects. To provide their clients, such as NASCAR, with the best models and information possible, they turned to the Ohio Supercomputer Center to support their testing.  

COVID-19 Polarization

COVID-19 Polarization

COVID-19 quickly became a politically polarized public health crisis, and Skyler Cranmer, the Carter Phillips and Sue Henry Associate Professor of Political Science in Ohio State’s College of Arts and Sciences, wanted to see if this was apparent on Twitter. Through OSC, Cranmer and his team studied the political division around the topic based on tweets.

Classroom Computing

Classroom Computing

Laura Kubatko, a professor at The Ohio State University, teaches Statistics for the Life Sciences, a class that can be intimidating for some students. Through OnDemand, her students experience a controlled and consistent lab environment to help steamline the learning process. 

Pandemic Modeling

Pandemic Modeling

Wasiur KhudaBukhsh, a president’s postdoctoral scholar at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at The Ohio State University, was part of a team called upon by the Ohio Department of Health to help model the COVID-19 pandemic. With help from OSC resources, the team was able to provide models for Governor DeWine's daily press conferences. 
