
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition


HOWTO: Manage Access Control List (ACLs)

An ACL (access control list) is a list of permissions associated with a file or directory. These permissions allow you to restrict access to a certain file or directory by user or group. 

OSC supports NFSv4 ACL on our home directory and POSIX ACL on our project and scratch file systems. Please see the how to use NFSv4 ACL for home directory ACL management and how to use POSIX ACL for managing ACLs in project and scratch file systems. 



OSCgetent is a command developed at OSC for use on OSC's systems and is similar to the standard getent command. It lets one view group information.



OSCusage is command developed at OSC for use on OSC's systems.  It allows for a user to see information on their project's usage, including different users and their jobs.



OSCfinger is a command developed at OSC for use on OSC's systems and is similar to the standard finger command. It allows various account information to be viewed.

Batch Limit Rules

Pitzer includes two types of processors, Intel® Xeon® 'Skylake' processor and Intel® Xeon® 'Cascade Lake' processor. This document provides you information on how to request resources based on the requirements of # of cores, memory, etc despite the heterogeneous nature of the Pitzer cluster. Therefore, in some cases, your job can land on either type of processor. Please check guidance on requesting resources on pitzer for your job to obtain a certain type of processor on Pitzer.

Proposed OSC Policies for Public Comments

This page lists all proposed OSC policies for public comments. Your comments help inform our policies and are encouraged. We will provide the response to comments on this webpage after the public comment period closes. Please submit your comments via our online form by the deadline. 

Currently Open for Public Comment:

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