
Unavailability of intel channel among the conda channel list:

If you are getting an error: 

UnavailableInvalidChannel: HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN for channel intel <> while creating a python environment or installing python packages, you can solve it by running the command

conda config --remove channels intel.

If you would like to use intel hosted packages for python environment, you can access them by running the following command

Compatibility Issues with NumPy 2.0

The newly released version of NumPy 2.0 includes substantial internal changes, including migrating code from C to C++. These modifications have led to significant issues with backwards compatibility, resulting in numerous breaking changes to both the Python and C APIs. As a consequence, packages built against NumPy 1.xx may encounter ImportError messages. To ensure compatibility, these packages must be rebuilt against NumPy 2.0.

Recommendation for Addressing the Issue:

weld predictor - slurm account error

Updated on 09/08/2022:

Users can choose the project code from a dropdown list to use. 

Original Post:

Users of weld predictor software in ondemand will receive an error when trying to start these jobs.

The error shows:

Simulation failed to be submitted ... sbatch:error job failed to be submitted
Job invalid: must specify account for job
sbatch error


Create file ~/.slurm/defaults and add entry for account.
