

This document shows you how to use the NFSv4 ACL permissions system. An ACL (access control list) is a list of permissions associated with a file or directory. These permissions allow you to restrict access to a certian file or directory by user or group. NFSv4 ACLs provide more specific options than typical POSIX read/write/execute permissions used in most systems.

These commands are useful for managing ACLs in the dir locations of /users/<project-code>.

Understanding NFSv4 ACL

This is an example of an NFSv4 ACL

HOWTO: Reduce Disk Space Usage

This HOWTO will demonstrate how to lower ones' disk space usage. The following procedures can be applied to all of OSC's file systems.

We recommend users regularly check their data usage and clean out old data that is no longer needed.

Users who need assistance lowering their data usage can contact OSC Help.

HOWTO: Install Python packages from source

HOWTO: Locally Installing Software

Sometimes the best way to get access to a piece of software on the HPC systems is to install it yourself as a "local install". This document will walk you through the OSC-recommended procedure for maintaining local installs in your home directory or project space. The majority of this document describes the process of "manually" building and installing your software. We also show a partially automated approach through the use of a bash script in the Install Script section near the end.

HOWTO: Install your own Perl modules

While we provide a number of Perl modules, you may need a module we do not provide. If it is a commonly used module, or one that is particularly difficult to compile, you can contact OSC Help for assistance, but we have provided an example below showing how to build and install your own Perl modules. Note, these instructions use "bash" shell syntax; this is our default shell, but if you are using something else (csh, tcsh, etc), some of the syntax may be different.

HOWTO: Use ulimit command to set soft limits

This document shows you how to set soft limits using the ulimit command.

The ulimit command sets or reports user process resource limits. The default limits are defined and applied when a new user is added to the system. Limits are categorized as either soft or hard. With the ulimit command, you can change your soft limits for the current shell environment, up to the maximum set by the hard limits. You must have root user authority to change resource hard limits.

Computing Services to Accelerate Research and Innovation


This two hour workshop will provide an introduction to OSC resources and how to access them. Topics include:

  • High performance computing concepts.
  • Hardware and software available at OSC.
  • Getting allocations and accounts.
  • How to connect and log in.
  • How to move data on and off the systems.
  • Introduction to batch processing.
  • Storage and file systems.

Optional hands-on participation: 


OSC offers online and in-person training for new and advanced users on a variety of high performance supercomputing topics.

New! Online Training Courses

OSC has partnered with The Ohio State University to offer online training courses that clients can complete at their own pace at any time on the ScarletCanvas platform, Ohio State's public learning management system.

The first two available courses are:
