The High Performance Computing (HPC) division of OSC is sponsoring a Graduate Student Conference/Workshop at OSC on August 11 and 12, 2000. The purpose of the Conference/Workshop is to introduce graduate students from around the state to the resources and capabilities of OSC, as well as to exchange information about research projects being undertaken by other graduate students in Ohio.
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Ohio has become a national technology development leader in testing and evaluating emerging Internet technologies. ITEC-Ohio (Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center) is led by OSC Networking, a division of OSC, and a consortium of Ohio universities and corporate partners.
An audience watched a surgeon sew up a herniated bladder as another surgeon, two miles away in the Rhodes State Office Tower, collaborated with him as part of a live demonstration of Internet2 technology on January 11.
The Portland Group, Inc. (PGI) and OSC (Ohio Supercomputer Center) today announced that OSC has acquired 200 copies of PGI Workstation, PGI's suite of parallel Fortran, C and C++ compilers and tools for Linux workstations. The announcement was made from SC99, the world's largest conference for high performance computing sponsored by ACM SIGARCH and the IEEE Computer Society.
More than 80 national and international research institutions and networking organizations are participating in Megaconference, the world's largest H.323 Internet video conference, being held today in Seattle. Megaconference runs in conjunction with the Fall Internet2 Meeting, taking place today through Wednesday. The Megaconference is a permanent, continuous multipoint H.323 Internet video conference organized and supported by the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) located in Columbus.
OSC, in cooperation with the University of Toledo and the Edison Industrial Systems Center will host a meeting in Toledo on September 30, from 9:30 to 2:30 on the applications of computing technology to product design and manufacturing process flows. A followup meeting will be held on October 21 at the same location to discuss possible research agendas that will be produced using information from the first meeting.
"Don't let Ohio fall behind in the global economy," was the message sent to more than 50 of Ohio's business, industry and government leaders today during a special press conference at the Ohio Statehouse.
During the kickoff, key leaders in government and industry offered their commitment to work together to position Ohio as an e-commerce state through a project called ECom-Ohio. ECom-Ohio will assess Ohio's readiness for the digital economy of the future.
Ready or not, electronic commerce is transforming the nation's economy. Quick adaptation to e-commerce capabilities is the key to global competitiveness in the 21st century. Next week, Ohio will become the first state to benchmark its readiness for this new economy.
The Ohio Project is an effort to raise awareness of the power of computational problem solving by reaching out to potential industrial users of high performance computing (HPC) and networking or computational science methods. It has two goals: