
World's First Gigaconference Pushes Videoconference Equipment Limits

The world' first Gigaconference videoconferencing event opened at noon EST today to showcase the use of high-end, high-performance videoconferencing equipment. The Internet2 Commons and Codian Corp are sponsoring the event.

More than 20 participating sites from around the world are giving presentations on a variety of topics including animated videos, musical performances, classroom teaching experiences, remote medical collaborations, and much more.

All Systems Go for Ohio's Launch of Nation's Most Advanced Statewide Education, Research Network

Ohio will soon have some high-tech bragging rights when the Third Frontier Network (TFN) is lit this summer. After nearly two years of development, nearly 100 institutions of higher education and thousands of primary and secondary schools throughout the state will have access to the nation’s most advanced statewide education and research network.

Larry Faulkner Elected Chair of Internet2 Board of Trustees

Larry Faulkner, president of the University of Texas at Austin, was recently elected Chair of the Internet2 Board of Trustees. Faulkner succeeds University of North Carolina President Molly Broad, who held the Board Chair position since 2001. Broad served on the Internet2 Board since September 1997 and Faulkner has served since 1998, and began serving as Chair May 1.

Walsh University Receives Technology Grant

Walsh University received a $120,000 grant from the networking division of Ohio Supercomputer Center on behalf of the Ohio Board of Regents for advancing the University’s technology. The funds will enable Walsh to secure an ultra-high-speed data network connection, enabling collaboration with other similarly-connected institutions on cutting edge research projects and participation in video-conferencing.

Federal Spending Bill Funds Third Frontier Network Initiatives

The fiscal year 2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act, approved earlier by Congress and signed into law last week by President Bush, directs $5.1 million in federal funds to the Ohio Board of Regents to make Ohio the world’s leader in using state-of-the-art computer networking to improve education, research and medical care.

The federal funds support new initiatives that will take advantage of Ohio’s 1,600-mile Third Frontier Network, the most advanced state-wide computer network in the nation.

OSC Networking Announces Additional Connectivity Via MCI Telecommunications

In mid-February, OSC Networking and MCI Telecommunications completed the installation and testing of OSC Networking's expanded gateway service to the Internet. The new service establishes connections between OSC Networking and internetMCI Direct Connect Access. As a result of this new service, OSC Networking, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, now maintains a total of 10.5Mbps total gateway throughput to the Internet through three different diverse paths.

HD videoconferencing links critical care newborns from rural hospitals to tertiary care facilities, specialists

Click here for a video Without ever leaving the nursery, fragile babies born at Chillicothe’s Adena Regional Medical Center are receiving clinical assessments from specialists an hour away at Nationwide Children’s Hospital — thanks to high-definition videoconferencing capabilities made possible via the Ohio Supercomputer Center.

Internet2, Third Frontier Network, Featured in Emerging Technologies Showcase at Columbus Convention Center

Internet2, the national high-performance backbone network for higher education and research, will be featured Monday, February 13, 2006 during an emerging technologies showcase at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. The 90-minute program will also feature Ohio's OSCnet, the most advanced state-wide fiber optic network for education, research and government.
