CIAO (also known as Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations) is a X-Ray telescope analysis software package for astronomical observation. CIAO focuses on the Chandra X-ray observatory. It contains a toolset used to analyze fits files and is commonly used in conjuction with DS9 and Sherpa, and focuses on data flexibility.
QGIS 3.22.8 with SAGA 7.9.1 available
QGIS 3.22.8 with SAGA 7.9.1 available on Owens and Pitzer clusters; usage via OnDemand QGIS app.
short degradation of ondemand 2022 Aug 12 11am
issues accessing /fs/ess/ locations
SAOImageDS9 is a astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 provides support for FITS images, binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and colormaps display options
Availability and Restrictions
The following versions of DS9 are available on OSC clusters:
WCStools is a program package designed for working with Images and the World Coordinate System. The aim of WCStools is to provide methods for relating pixels taken common astronomical images to sky coordinates.
Availability and Restrictions
The following versions of WCStools are available on OSC clusters: