Flooding Animation

For each scenario, we have produced an animation showing the water moving downstream as the storm progresses.  In order to view the animation in Windows Media Player, you need a special Codec from Techsmith that can be downloaded from this site.

The animation shows the water level in the stream for the upper part of the stream that is most prone to flooding.  If the blue stream level goes above the capacity of the channel, a red dot appears at the place(s) where a flood will occur.  Here is an example movie where there is a flood.  Note that the storm we are simulating is a rather small storm - one that would occur several times per year.  Thus, a flood under these circumstances would be much worse for larger storms.

To analyze the flooding possibilities, play the animations for several scenarios and see how close the water levels come to filling the banks and causing a flood.  The numbers along the bottom of the animation represent different places in the stream.  The place labeled as J301 is the most likely place to flood as this is the location where several of the branches of the stream meet.