
Rolling reboot of all clusters starting from Oct 25 2023

We will have rolling reboots of Ascend, Owens and Pitzer clusters including login and compute nodes, starting from 9AM Wednesday October 25, to perform NVIDIA driver and Slurm upgrades. At the start of the rolling reboot all login nodes will be unavailable for about 10 minutes. The rolling reboots won't affect any running batch jobs, but users may experience longer queue wait time than usual on the clusters.

HOWTO: Use GPU with Tensorflow and PyTorch

GPU Usage on Tensorflow

Environment Setup

To begin, you need to first create and new conda environment or use an already existing one. See HOWTO: Create  Python Environment for more details. In this example we are using python/3.6-conda5.2

Once you have a conda environment created and activated we will now install tensorflow-gpu into the environment (In this example we will be using version 2.4.1 of tensorflow-gpu:

conda install tensorflow-gpu=2.4.1


System Downtime August 8 2023

A downtime for OSC HPC systems is scheduled from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday, August 8, 2023. The downtime will affect the Pitzer, Owens and Ascend Clusters, web portals, and HPC file servers. MyOSC and state-wide licenses will be available during the downtime. See this link for more details: https://www.osc.edu/calendar/events/2023_08_08-system_downtime_august_8_2023
