
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition

Owens cluster transition: Action required

After eight years of service, the Owens high performance computing (HPC) cluster will be decommissioned over the next two months. Clients currently using Owens for research and classroom instruction must migrate jobs to other OSC clusters during this time.

To assist clients with transitioning their workflows, Owens will be decommissioned in two phases. On Jan. 6, 2025, OSC will move two-thirds of the regular compute nodes and one-half of the GPU nodes (a total of about 60% of the cluster cores) offline. The remainder of the nodes will power down on Feb. 3, 2025.

OSC will remove any remaining licensed software from Owens on Dec. 17, 2024. Abaqus, Ansys, LS-DYNA and Star-CCM+ are now available on the Cardinal cluster for all academic users.

Owens clients can migrate jobs to the Pitzer, Ascend or Cardinal clusters; classroom instructors should prepare all forthcoming courses on one of these systems. If you are using Jupyter/RStudio classroom apps, please prepare courses on Pitzer.

Cardinal, OSC’s newest cluster, became available for all clients to use on Nov. 4, 2024. A new ScarletCanvas course, “Getting Started with Cardinal,” provides an overview of this HPC resource and how to use it.  Visit the OSC course module on ScarletCanvas to enroll in and complete the course, which is available in an asynchronous format.

In addition to launching Cardinal, OSC is transitioning the data center space occupied by the Owens cluster to accommodate an expansion of the Ascend cluster. The new resources are expected to be available for client use in March 2025. More details will be released in January.

Thank you for your cooperation in transitioning your workflows. If you discover that a software package you are using on Owens is currently not supported on the other clusters, you may install it locally or contact oschelp@osc.edu for assistance.

OSC is excited to offer our clients new and improved HPC resources that will benefit your research, classroom and innovation initiatives. For more information about our cluster transition, please visit the OSC site.
