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HOWTO: Debugging Tips

This article focuses on debugging strategies for C/C++ codes, but many are applicable to other languages as well.

Rubber Duck Debugging

This approach is a great starting point. Say you have written some code, and it does not do what you expect it to do. You have stared at it for a few minutes, but you cannot seem to spot the problem.

Try explaining what the problem is to a rubber duck. Then, walk the rubber duck through your code, line by line, telling it what it does. Don’t have a rubber duck? Any inanimate object will do (or even an animate one if you can grab a friend).

It sounds silly, but rubber duck debugging helps you to get out of your head, and hopefully look at your code from a new perspective. Saying what your code does (or is supposed to do) out loud has a good chance of revealing where your understanding might not be as good as you think it is.

Printf() Debugging

You’ve written a whole bunch of new code. It takes some inputs, chugs along for a while, and then creates some outputs. Somewhere along this process, something goes wrong. You know this because the output is not at all what you expected. Unfortunately, you have no idea where things are going wrong in the code.

This might be a good time to try out printf() debugging. It’s as simple as its name implies: simply add (more) printf() statements to your code. You’ve likely seen this being used. It’s the name given to the infamous ‘printf(“here”);’ calls used to verify that a particular codepath is indeed taken.

Consider printing out arguments and return values to key functions. Or, the results or summary statistics from large calculations. These values can be used as “sanity checks” to ensure that up until that point in the code, everything is going as expected.

Assertion calls, such as "assert(...)", can also be used for a similar purpose. However, often the positive feedback you get from print statements is helpful in when you’re debugging. Seeing a valid result printed in standard out or a log file tells you positively that at least something is working correctly.


Debuggers are tools that can be used to interactively (or with scripts) debug your code. A fairly common debugger for C and C++ codes is gdb. Many guides exist online for using gdb with your code.

OSC systems also provide the ARM DDT debugger. This debugger is designed for use with HPC codes and is arguably easier to use than gdb. It can be used to debug MPI programs as well.

Debuggers allow you to interact with the program while it is running. You can do things like read and write variable values, or check to see if/when certain functions are called.


Okay, this one isn’t exactly a debugging strategy. It’s a method to catch bugs early, and even prevent the addition of bugs. Writing a test suite for your code that’s easy to run (and ideally fast) lets you test new changes to ensure they don’t break existing functionality.

There are lots of different philosophies on testing software. Too many to cover here. Here’s two concepts that are worth looking into: unit testing and system testing.

The idea behind unit testing is writing tests for small “units” of code. These are often functions or classes. If you know that the small pieces that make up your code work, then you’ll have more confidence in the overall assembled program. There’s an added architecture benefit here too. Writing code that is testable in the first place often results in code that’s broken up into separate logical pieces (google “separation of concerns”). This makes your code more modular and less “spaghetti-like”. Your code will be easier to modify and understand.

The second concept – system testing – involves writing tests that run your entire program. These often take longer than unit tests, but have the added benefit that they’ll let you know whether or not your entire program still works after introducing a new change.

When writing tests (both system and unit tests), it’s often helpful to include a couple different inputs. Occasionally a program may work just fine for one input, but fail horribly with another input.

Minimal, Reproducible Example

Maybe your code takes a couple hours (or longer…) to run. There’s a bug in it, but every time you try to fix it, you have to wait a few hours to see if the fix worked. This is driving you crazy.

A possible approach to make your life easier is to try to make a Minimal, Reproducible Example (see this stackoverflow page for information).

Try to extract just the code that fails, from your program, and also its inputs. Wrap this up into a separate program. This allows you to run just the code that failed, hopefully greatly reducing the time it takes to test out fixes to the problem.

Once you have this example, can you make it smaller? Maybe take out some code that’s not needed to reproduce the bug, or shrink the input even further? Doing this might help you solve the problem.

Tools and other resources

  • Compiler warnings – compilers are your friend. Chances are your compiler has a flag that can be used to enable more warnings than are on by default. GNU tools have “-Wall” and “-Wextra”. These can be used to instruct the compiler to tell you about places in the code where bugs may exist.
  • The Practice of Programming by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike contains a very good chapter on debugging C and C++ programs.
  • Valgrind is a tool that can be used for many types of debugging including looking for memory corruptions and leaks. However, it slows down your code a very sizeable amount. This might not be feasible for HPC codes
  • ASAN (address sanitizer) is another tool that can be used for memory debugging. It is less featureful than Valgrind, but runs much quicker, and so will likely work with your HPC code.

