Job Viewer

The Job Viewer Tab displays information about individual HPC jobs and includes a search interface that allows jobs to be selected based on a wide range of filters:

1. Click on the Job Viewer tab near the top of the page.

2. Click Search in the top left-hand corner of the page

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

     3. If you know the Resource and Job Number, use the quick search lookup form discussed in 4a. If you would like more options, use the advanced search discussed in 4b.

     4a. For a quick job lookup, select the resource and enter the job number and click 'Search'.

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

     4b. Within the Advanced Search form, select a timeframe and Add one or more filters. Click to run the search on the server.

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

     5. Select one or more Jobs. Provide the 'Search Name', and click 'Save Results' at the bottom of this window to view data about the selected jobs.

     6. To view data in more details for the selected job, under the Search History, click on the Tree and select a Job.

     7. More information can be found in the section of 'Job Viewer' of the XDMoD User Manual.
