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Cray Y-MP8/864In August 1989, OSC engineers completed the installation of the $22 million Cray Y-MP8/864 system, which was deemed the largest and fastest supercomputer in the world for a short time.


X-MP and OSC staffOhio State in the spring of 1987 budgeted $8.2 million over the next five years to lease a Cray X-MP/24, OSP’s first real supercomputer. The X-MP arrived June 1 at the OSU IRCC loading dock on Kinnear Road.

Often users want to submit a large number of jobs all at once, with each using different parameters for each job. These parameters could be anything, including the path of a data file or different input values for a program. This how-to will show you how you can do this using a simple python script, a CSV file, and a template script. You will need to adapt this advice for your own situation.


PnetCDF is a library providing high-performance parallel I/O while still maintaining file-format compatibility with  Unidata's NetCDF, specifically the formats of CDF-1 and CDF-2. Although NetCDF supports parallel I/O starting from version 4, the files must be in HDF5 format. PnetCDF is currently the only choice for carrying out parallel I/O on files that are in classic formats (CDF-1 and 2). In addition, PnetCDF supports the CDF-5 file format, an extension of CDF-2, that supports more data types and allows users to define large dimensions, attributes, and variables (>2B elements).

The Ohio Supercomputer Center provides High Performance Computing resources and expertise to academic researchers across the State of Ohio. Any paper citing this document has utilized OSC to conduct research on our production services. OSC is a member of the Ohio Technology Consortium, a division of the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

OSC has operated a number of supercomputer systems over the years. Here is a list of previous machines and their specifications.

Wednesday, Dec. 3th


The Ralph Regula School of Computational Science is working with three Ohio community and technical colleges to prepare an Associate of Science degree program that includes computational science content and prepares graduates to matriculate to a four-year institution to complete their Bachelor of Science or related degree program. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education Program.

For more information about the Ralph Regula School of Computational Science please contact:

Steve Gordon

For more information about the OSC's K-12 Summer Programs including Summer Institute and Young Women's Summer Institute, please contact:

Elizabeth Stong
1224 Kinnear Road
Columbus, Ohio 43212-1163
(614) 688-8300
