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Owens, Pitzer

HISAT2 is a graph-based alignment program that maps DNA and RNA sequencing reads to a population of human genomes.


TopHat uses Bowtie, a high-throughput short read aligner, to analyze the mapping results for RNA-Seq reads and identify splice junctions.


Please note that tophat (and bowtie) cannot run in parallel, that is, on multiple nodes.  Submitting multi-node jobs will only waste resources.  In addition you must explicitly include the '-p' option to use multiple threads on a single node.

Owens, Pitzer

TAU Commander is a user interface for the TAU Performance System, a set of tools for analyizing the performance of parallel programs. 

Owens, Pitzer

Salmon is a tool for quantifying the expression of transcripts using RNA-seq data.


Kallisto is an RNA-seq quantification program. It quantifies abundances of transcripts from RNA-seq data and uses psedoalignment to determine the compatibility of reads with targets, without needing alignment.

Ascend, Owens, Pitzer

Apptainer/Singularity is a container system designed for use on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. It allows users to run both Docker and Singularity containers.

Owens, Pitzer

HTSlib is a C library used for reading and writing high-throughput sequencing data.

Ascend, Owens, Pitzer

RELION (REgularised LIkelihood OptimisatioN) is a stand-alone computer program for the refinement of 3D reconstructions or 2D class averages in electron cryo-microscopy. 

We have identified some issues with the RELION installations. For more details, please refere the "Known Issues" section below.

To address the issues, we have decided to deprecate affected versions, including: relion/3.1, relion/3.1-gpu, relion/3.1.3, relion/4.0.0, and relion/4.0b on both Owens and Pitzer. Additionally, we will deprecate other versions that are rarely used to improve maintenance. These versions include relion2/2.0 and relion/3.0.4.

The deprecation action was done on January 23, 2024. To migrate your jobs, please refer to the "Versions" table below for available versions. If you require any assistance, please contact OSC help.

Owens, Pitzer

LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems.
