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OnDemand provides two related job managment tools: one allows you to create and submit jobs via your web browser, and the other allows you to monitor queued and running jobs.

Here is a tutorial video that gives an overview of OnDemand's Job client's capabilities and how to utilize them.

OnDemand provides a web-based File Explorer that can be used to upload and download files to your OSC home directory or project directory, and copy, delete, rename, and edit files.

Here is a tutorial video that gives a overview of OnDemand's file management client's capabilities and how to utilize them.



OnDemand is our "one-stop shop" for access to our High Performance Computing resources. With OnDemand, you can upload and download files; create, edit, submit, and monitor jobs; run GUI applications; and connect via SSH, all via a web broswer, with no client software to install and configure.

We've created a brief video explaining OnDemand's capabilities so users can better gauge if it is the right fit for them. Getting connected to OnDemand is also covered in this video. In addition, we've developed tutorial videos for OnDemand's job client and file management client.



Our HOWTO collection contains short tutorials that help you step through some of the common (but potentially confusing) tasks users may need to accomplish, that do not quite rise to the level of requiring more structured training materials. Items here may explain a procedure to follow, or present a "best practices" formula that we think may be helpful.

Owens, Pitzer

TurboVNC is an implementation of VNC optimized for 3D graphics rendering.  Like other VNC software, TurboVNC can be used to create a virtual desktop on a remote machine, which can be useful for visualizing CPU-intensive graphics produced remotely.

Availability and Restrictions


The versions currently available at OSC are:

Owens, Pitzer

Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven data and function plotting utility.  It was originally intended to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data.  

The Ohio Supercomputer Center provides services to clients from a variety of types of organizations. The methods for gaining access to the systems are different between Ohio academic institutions and everyone else.

Ascend, Owens, Pitzer

Python is a high-level, multi-paradigm programming language that is both easy to learn and useful in a wide variety of applications.  Python has a large standard library as well as a large number of third-party extensions, most of which are completely free and open source. 

The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package, VASP, is a suite for quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and electronic structure calculations.


Stata is a complete, integrated statistical package that provides everything needed for data analysis, data management, and graphics. 32-processor MP version is currently available at OSC.
