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Ascend, Owens, Pitzer

GROMACS is a versatile package of molecular dynamics simulation programs. It is primarily designed for biochemical molecules, but it has also been used on non-biological systems.  GROMACS generally scales well on OSC platforms. Starting with version 4.6 GROMACS includes GPU acceleration.

Owens, Pitzer

The only access to significant resources on the HPC machines is through the batch process.

TIP: Remember to check the menu to the right of the page for related pages with more information about Oakley's specifics.
OSC plans to decommission Oakley by the end of 2018. Nodes on Oakley in bad service states are being removed from service, resulting in a slightly reduced capacity.

Oakley is an HP-built, Intel® Xeon® processor-based supercomputer, featuring more cores (8,328) on half as many nodes (694) as the center’s former flagship system, the IBM Opteron 1350 Glenn Cluster. The Oakley Cluster can achieve 88 teraflops, tech-speak for performing 88 trillion floating point operations per second, or, with acceleration from 128 NVIDIA® Tesla graphic processing units (GPUs), a total peak performance of just over 154 teraflops.

Photo: Image of the Glenn supercomputer

The Ohio Supercomputer Center's IBM Cluster 1350, named "Glenn", features AMD Opteron multi-core technologies. The system offers a peak performance of more than 54 trillion floating point operations per second and a variety of memory and processor configurations. The current Glenn Phase II components were installed and deployed in 2009, while the earlier phase of Glenn – now decommissioned – had been installed and deployed in 2007.

We currently operate three major systems:

License problems

If you get a license error when you try to run a third-party software application, it means either the licenses are all in use or you’re not on the access list for the license. Very rarely there could be a problem with the license server. You should read the software page for the application you’re trying to use and make sure you’ve complied with all the procedures and are correctly requesting the license. Contact OSC Help with any questions.

This section summarizes two groups of batch-related commands: commands that are run on the login nodes to manage your jobs and commands that are run only inside a batch script. Only the most common options are described here.

Many of these commands are discussed in more detail elsewhere in this document. All have online manual pages (example: man sbatch ) unless otherwise noted.

The batch system provides several environment variables that you may want to use in your job script. This section is a summary of the most useful of these variables. Many of them are discussed in more detail elsewhere in this document. The ones beginning with SLURM_ are described in the online manual page for sbatch (man sbatch).

Slurm directives may appear as header lines in a batch script or as options on the sbatch command line. They specify the resource requirements of your job and various other attributes. Many of the directives are discussed in more detail elsewhere in this document. The online manual page for sbatch (man sbatch) describes many of them.

Ascend, Owens, Pitzer

FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data. It is portable and performs well on a wide variety of platforms.
