Changes to HPC systems are listed below, optionally filtered by system.
HPC Changelog
HPC Changelog
VMD 1.9.4 available on Pitzer
VMD 1.9.4 (a35) has been installed on Pitzer cluster; usage is via the module vmd/1.9.4. For information on available executables and installation details see the software page for VMD.
STAR-CCM 14.04.013 available on Owens
STAR-CCM 14.04.013 is available on Owens.
module load starccm/14.04.013
module load starccm/14.04.013-mixed
LAMMPS 5Jun19 is available
LAMMPS stable version 5Jun19 has been installed with MVAPICH2, OpenMPI, and IntelMPI on Owens and Pitzer. These are GPU enabled installations. Usage is via the module lammps/5Jun19. For installation details, such as, available packages and example batch scripts, use command: "module help lammps/5Jun19". For help loading an installation, use command: "module spider lammps/5Jun19".
LS-OPT 6.0.0 is available on Owens
LS-OPT is installed on Owens.
module load ls-opt/6.0.0
Gurobi 8.1.1 is available on Owens
Gurobi 8.1.1 is installed on Owens.
module load gurobi/8.1.1
R/3.6.0 is now available on Owen
R/3.6.0 module is available now on Owens and can be loaded after loading gnu/7.3.0 and mkl/2018.0.3 modules