Changes to HPC systems are listed below, optionally filtered by system.
HPC Changelog
HPC Changelog
STAR-CCM+ 18.04.008 (v2306) available on Owens
STAR-CCM+ 18.04.008 (v2306) is available on Owens. Mixed precision is also available. Use module load starccm/18.04.008
and module load starccm/18.04.008-mixed
, respectively.
Git 2.39.0 is available
Git 2.39.0 has been installed on Pitzer. Usage is via the module git/2.39.0. For help loading an installation, use the command: "module spider git/2.39.0". That command also emits information on usage and installation details.
Gromacs 2023.2 is available
Gromacs 2023.2 has been installed on all the clusters. Usage is via the module gromacs/2023.2. For help loading an installation, use the command: "module spider gromacs/2023.2". That command also emits information on usage and installation details.
PETSc 3.19.3 is available on Owens and Pitzer
PETSc 3.19.3 has been installed with both gnu and intel compilers on both Owens and Pitzer. Usage is via the module petsc/3.19.3. For help loading, use the command: "module spider petsc/3.19.3". That command also emits information on usage and installation details.
Tinker 8.10.5 is available on Owens and Pitzer
Tinker 8.10.5 has been installed with intel/2021.3.0 compilers on Owens and Pitzer. Usage is via the module tinker/8.10.5. For help loading, use the command: "module spider tinker/8.10.5". That command also emits information on usage and installation details.
Salmon 1.10.0 available on Pitzer
Salmon 1.10.0 is now available on Pitzer. Usage is module load salmon/1.10.0
Schrodinger 2023.2 available on Owens
Schrodinger 2023.2 available on Owens. Usage is module load schrodinger/2023.2