HPC Changelog

HPC Changelog

STAR-CCM+ 18.04.008 (v2306) available on Owens

Monday, July 31, 2023 - 6:00pm

STAR-CCM+ 18.04.008 (v2306) is available on Owens.  Mixed precision is also available. Use module load starccm/18.04.008 and module load starccm/18.04.008-mixed , respectively. 

Git 2.39.0 is available

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - 10:30am

Git 2.39.0 has been installed on Pitzer. Usage is via the module git/2.39.0.  For help loading an installation, use the command:  "module spider git/2.39.0".  That command also emits information on usage and installation details.

Gromacs 2023.2 is available

Monday, July 24, 2023 - 5:00pm

Gromacs 2023.2 has been installed on all the clusters.  Usage is via the module gromacs/2023.2.  For help loading an installation, use the command:  "module spider gromacs/2023.2".  That command also emits information on usage and installation details.

PETSc 3.19.3 is available on Owens and Pitzer

Thursday, July 13, 2023 - 2:30pm

PETSc 3.19.3 has been installed with both gnu and intel compilers on both Owens and Pitzer.  Usage is via the module petsc/3.19.3.  For help loading, use the command: "module spider petsc/3.19.3".  That command also emits information on usage and installation details.

Tinker 8.10.5 is available on Owens and Pitzer

Thursday, July 13, 2023 - 2:15pm

Tinker 8.10.5 has been installed with intel/2021.3.0 compilers on Owens and Pitzer.  Usage is via the module tinker/8.10.5.  For help loading, use the command: "module spider tinker/8.10.5".  That command also emits information on usage and installation details.

AmberTools 23 is available

Friday, June 16, 2023 - 12:30pm

Amber 22 has been updated on all clusters.  This includes installation of AmberTools 23.  Use command "module spider amber/22" for details.
