Known issues

Unresolved known issues

Known issue with an Unresolved Resolution state is an active problem under investigation; a temporary workaround may be available.

Resolved known issues

A known issue with a Resolved (workaround) Resolution state is an ongoing problem; a permanent workaround is available which may include using different software or hardware.

A known issue with Resolved Resolution state has been corrected.

Known Issues

Titlesort descending Category Resolution Description Posted Updated
Pitzer Xfce Desktop through OnDemand is not working OnDemand Resolved

Pitzer Xfce Desktop through OnDemand is not working. Please choose 'Mate' desktop environment instead. We are working to fix this issue now and apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact ... Read more

5 years 6 months ago 5 years 6 months ago
Poor network performance on some filesystems filesystem Resolved

We are experiencing some network performance issues on a cluster of servers involved with providing GPFS and some project filesystems. GPFS appears to be functioning acceptably, but proj01, proj02... Read more

11 years 1 month ago 11 years 1 month ago
Possible job failures due to MPI library change on Pitzer after May 20 Software Resolved

There are changes on MPI libraries on Pitzer after May 20. We will upgrade MOFED from 4.9 to 5.6 and recompile all OpenMPI and Mvapich2 against the newer MOFED version. Users with their own MPI... Read more

1 year 4 months ago 1 year 4 months ago
Possible performance degradation after August 9th's downtime filesystem Resolved

Updates on May 20 2023:

verbsRDMA is enabled on Pitzer. 

Updates on Dec 14 2022:

verbsRDMA is enabled on Owens during December 13 downtime... Read more

2 years 3 weeks ago 1 year 3 months ago
Problems with GPFS filesystem, and OnDemand is not working filesystem Resolved

Updates on 12:00pm June 10:

The issue is fixed. All impacted services return to production.

We apologize for the inconvience. If you have any questions, please... Read more

3 years 2 months ago 3 years 2 months ago
Problems with home directory servers filesystem Resolved

We had several auto-reboots with our home directory servers, starting from around 11pm August 30. Jobs might be impacted. The systems are working properly now.  

... Read more
3 years 1 day ago 3 years 1 day ago
Problems with LAMMPS 14May16 Software Resolved

LAMMPS 14May16 was built with the USER-OMP package on Oakley, Ruby, and Owens. Its default behavior is to spawn too many OpenMP threads. lammps/14May16 batch scripts that do not use the USER-OMP... Read more

7 years 11 months ago 7 years 9 months ago
Problems with MVAPICH2 Owens, Ruby, Software Resolved

Some MVAPICH2 MPI installations on Oakley, Ruby, and Owens, such as the default module mvapich2/2.2 as well as mvapich2/2.1, appear to have a bug that is triggered by certain programs.  The... Read more

8 years 7 months ago 2 years 4 months ago
Problems with Project Space (/nfs/gpfs) filesystem Resolved

(9/8/15 14:21 Eastern) Project space appears to be back to normal operation. We are running some tests to verify that the problem is fully resolved.

As of early afternoon, Sept. 8,... Read more

8 years 12 months ago 8 years 12 months ago
Problems with the home directories filesystem Resolved

 We are currently seeing problems with the home directories at OSC's HPC facility.... Read more

4 years 3 months ago 4 years 3 months ago
