Changes to HPC systems are listed below, optionally filtered by system.
HPC Changelog
HPC Changelog
BWA 0.7.17 is available on Owens
BWA 0.7.17 is available on Owens.
MDCS is no longer available
Matlab Distributed Computing Server (MDCS) is no longer available.
The major purpose of this feature was to allow users to use their local licenses that OSC didn't provide.
However, now OSC provides all the toolboxes to all the academic users.
Freesurfer 5.3.0 is available on Owens
Freesurfer 5.3.0 is available on Owens.
Gnuplot 5.2.2 is now available on Owens
Gnuplot 5.2.2 is now available on Owens. Load with module gnuplot/5.2.2
OpenFOAM 5.0 available on Owens
OpenFOAM 5.0 has been installed on Owens.
Quantum Espresso 6.2.1 available on Owens
Quantum Espresso 6.2.1 has been installed on Owens; usage is via the module espresso/6.2.1. For information on available executables and installation details see the software page for Quantum Espresso or the output of the respective module help command, e.g.: module help espresso/6.2.1. Note that packages GIPAW and WEST were not installed because they are not available with 6.2.1.
Abaqus 2017 now available on Owens
Abaqus 2017 is installed on Owens.
PAPI 5.6.0 now available on Owens
PAPI 5.6.0 is installed on Owens. Load module with module load papi/5.6.0
Changes to Abaqus affecting Python
Abaqus ships with its own installation of Python which is incompatible with the system Python. Changes were made to the abaqus module on Oakley putting the Abaqus version of Python in the user's path. This may cause problems if the user runs non-Abaqus Python programs with the abaqus module loaded. Oakley only.
Gromacs 2016.4 available on Owens
Gromacs 2016.4 has been installed on Owens; usage is via the module gromacs/2016.4.