Known issues

Unresolved known issues

Known issue with an Unresolved Resolution state is an active problem under investigation; a temporary workaround may be available.

Resolved known issues

A known issue with a Resolved (workaround) Resolution state is an ongoing problem; a permanent workaround is available which may include using different software or hardware.

A known issue with Resolved Resolution state has been corrected.

Known Issues

Title Category Resolutionsort descending Description Posted Updated
Cannot login to clusters Resolved

As of around 3PM today (Thursday 6/12), we have reports of users being unable to login in to the clusters.  The error message given will make it sound like your password is incorrect, although it... Read more

10 years 2 months ago 10 years 2 months ago
Armstrong offline until Noon Resolved

Armstrong will need to be taken down today until Noon.  In the meantime, contact OSCHelp ( for account assistance.

10 years 2 weeks ago 10 years 2 weeks ago
Starccm license unavailable Feb 21, 2021 Licensing Resolved

Updated on Feb 25:

StarCCM license outage is restored.

Original post:

The Starccm software license at OSC will be terminated on Sunday Feb... Read more

3 years 6 months ago 3 years 6 months ago
Switch failure on Nov 17 2018 filesystem, login Resolved

Updates at 12:51 PM Nov 19:

At about 5:00 am on November 18th, OSC experienced another major switch failure. As of noon Nov 18, all services have been fully restored. In... Read more

5 years 9 months ago 5 years 9 months ago
Glenn Intel v11 and later do not support -mkl flag Software Resolved

Intel compiler versions 11 and later on Glenn do not support the -mkl compiler options.  Contact Read more

8 years 7 months ago 8 years 2 weeks ago
Rolling reboot of Owens and Pitzer starting from July 11, 2022 Owens, Pitzer Resolved

Updated on August 1 2022:

The rolling reboots have been completed. 

Original Post:

We will have rolling reboots of Owens and Pitzer... Read more

2 years 1 month ago 2 years 1 month ago
Backups of /nfs/gpfs Backups Resolved

Changes to files on /nfs/gpfs may not be backed up during the following evening's backup, as would normally be expected. The backup software is attempting to recreate a full backup of the... Read more

11 years 4 months ago 11 years 3 months ago
Balance messaging when application is submitted client portal Resolved

Notifications to apply for additional resources are still being seen in OnDemand and MyOSC when an application is present.

4 years 9 months ago 4 years 7 months ago
PBS commands on Owens are not working Batch, Owens Resolved

Update posted on July 12, 2017 at 1:50PM:

We have fixed the problem with the batch management system on Owens and queues on Owens have been opened again for jobs.

... Read more

7 years 1 month ago 7 years 1 month ago
Conda activate will be enabled for python and miniconda3 modules Resolved

If you've previously utilized conda init to enable the conda activate command, your shell configuration file such as .bashrc would have been altered with... Read more

4 months 1 week ago 4 months 4 days ago
