
Owens Information Transition

Owens cluster will be decommissioned on February 3, 2025. Some pages may still reference Owens after Owens is decommissioned , and we are in the process of gradually updating the content. Thank you for your patience during this transition

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We have licensed applications such as ansys, abaqus, and Schrodinger. These applications have a license server with a limited number of licenses, and you need to check out the licenses when you use the software each time. One problem is that the job scheduler, Slurm, doesn't communicate with the license server. As a result, a job can be launched even there are not enough licenses available, and it fails due to insufficient licenses. 

Charge account

  • Used to group projects together.
    • A PI may have multiple charge accounts, but it is preferred to limit the amount to one unless there is reason to group different projects.
  • Institutions may use charge accounts to group PI charge accounts together
    • (e.g. group all college of engineering PI charge accounts under college of engineering charge account)
Owens, Pitzer

Trinity represents a novel method for the efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data.

Availability and Restrictions

The following versions of Trinity are available on OSC clusters:


This document is obsoleted and kept as a reference to previous Owens programming environment. Please refer to here for the latest version.

Securely transferring files at OSC

Files containing personal health information (PHI) must be encrypted when they are stored (at rest) and when they are transferred between networked systems (in transit).

Transferring files securely to OSC involves understanding which commands/applications to use and which directory to use.


As we migrate to Slurm from Torque/Moab, there will be necessary software environment changes.

Decommissioning old MVAPICH2 versions

Old MVAPICH2 including mvapich2/2.1mvapich2/2.2 and its variants do not support Slurm very well due to its life span, so we will remove the following versions:

Owens, Pitzer

OSC clients who are affiliated with Ohio State can deploy their own endpoint on a server using OSU subscriptions. Please follow the steps below:

Manage users on a project

The PI of a project can manage the users on their projects. Note, that PIs are not automatically added as authorized users under their project(s).

Managing users on the project includes inviting, adding and removing users to the project as well as increasing a user's privileges on a project so that they can assist with the management of it.

Owens, Pitzer

This article discusses memory tuning strategies for VASP.

Data Distribution

Typically the first approach for memory sensitive VASP issues is to tweak the data distribution (via NCORE or NPAR). The information at https://www.vasp.at/wiki/index.php/NPAR covers a variety of machines. OSC has fast communications via Infiniband. 

Owens, Pitzer

This article focuses on debugging strategies for C/C++ codes, but many are applicable to other languages as well.

Rubber Duck Debugging

This approach is a great starting point. Say you have written some code, and it does not do what you expect it to do. You have stared at it for a few minutes, but you cannot seem to spot the problem.
