Known issues

Unresolved known issues

Known issue with an Unresolved Resolution state is an active problem under investigation; a temporary workaround may be available.

Resolved known issues

A known issue with a Resolved (workaround) Resolution state is an ongoing problem; a permanent workaround is available which may include using different software or hardware.

A known issue with Resolved Resolution state has been corrected.

Known Issues

Titlesort descending Category Resolution Description Posted Updated
Scheduling temporarily suspended on Oakley Batch Resolved

We are migrating the batch scheduler on Oakley to a new virtual machine. In order to accomplish this, the scheduler will be temporarily offline for about four hours on December 16th. Running jobs... Read more

8 years 7 months ago 8 years 7 months ago
Schrodinger license check in issue Licensing Unresolved

Schrödinger is an application that uses a FlexNet license server. To run a job, the application needs to check out licenses from the server and check it back in once the job is completed. However... Read more

3 weeks 4 days ago 3 weeks 4 days ago
Scratch and Project are hung; schedulings have been paused Batch, filesystem Resolved

1:00PM 4/6/2017 Update:  The Scratch and Project file systems are back to normal service. Scheduling on systems are resumed. We are still investigating the causes to this problem... Read more

7 years 3 months ago 7 years 3 months ago
Scratch filesystem Errors on October 1st, 2019 filesystem Resolved

Updated on 12:40 PM Oct 1st, 2019: 

OSC had experienced an unexpected problem with the Scratch filesystem that gives errors "No space left on device" on all clusters since... Read more

4 years 10 months ago 4 years 10 months ago
Scratch filesystem is down filesystem, OnDemand Resolved

Updated on 2:30pm Feb 1st:

Scratch filesystem is back. OnDemand is also available now. 

Original Post:

Scratch filesystem is down now.... Read more

5 years 5 months ago 5 years 5 months ago
Security Vulnerability for GPFS filesystem Resolved

Update: The fix was deployed during May 19 Downtime. 

Clients are not able to use mm* commands to manipulate GPFS ACLs on most OSC systems, due to a security vulnerability... Read more

4 years 2 months ago 4 years 2 months ago
Security vulnerabilities on ARM Forge versions prior to 22.0.x Software Resolved

ARM identified security vulnerabilities on ARM Forge versions prior to 22.0.x as follow:

  • Security update #1: A locally exploitable code-injection vulnerability was identified in... Read more
2 years 3 weeks ago 2 years 3 weeks ago
Segmentation fault from openmpi/1.10-hpcx and 2.0-hpcx on Owens Owens, Software Resolved

We have found that recent MPI jobs using openmpi/1.10-hpcx and openmpi/2.0-hpcx on Owens may complete or hang until the job is killed, but receive segmentation fault. Some applications might be ... Read more

5 years 4 days ago 4 years 11 months ago
Sign Up reCAPTCHA Error Resolved

If you fail to hit the reCAPTCHA and try to submit the form, you will receive an error regarding the reCAPTCHA.

If you hit the reCAPTCHA and re-submit, the error will remain.

... Read more

4 years 12 months ago 4 years 8 months ago
Singularity: reached your pull rate limit Owens, Pitzer, Software Resolved

You might encounter an error while pulling a large Docker image:

ERROR: toomanyrequests: Too Many Requests.


You have reached your pull rate limit. You may... Read more          
3 years 1 month ago 2 years 3 months ago
